Dori Ben-Ze'ev
Israeli broadcaster, songwriter, singer, actor, comedian, dubber and commercial writer. Winner of the Landau Arts Prize for 2016. Even before he enlisted in the IDF, Ben-Ze'ev was a guest on performances by the Northern Command Band and presented soldiers with various humorous pieces. Upon his enlistment, he served in the IDF Theater and in the Armored Corps. He was then transferred to Gali Tzahal, where he was initially a military reporter, but soon began presenting amusing corners and a weekly Dashim program called "From Him to You."
Ben Zeev's relaxed delivery style was unusual and innovative in relation to what was customary on Israeli radio at the time - where a tradition of meticulous formal serving was still practiced - and so was the music he played. During this period, Ben-Ze'ev wrote songs and sketches, and participated in programs such as "Lul", where he participated in one of the most famous sketches in the program, "The Bible Quiz".
Over the years he has released 5 five albums, continued to broadcast on radio, participate and present TV shows. Since 2000, Ben Zeev has been teaching at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Academy, a radio workshop called "Creativity in Radio" and at the "Bel-Bella" School of Radio. Since 2014, he has been teaching and directing at the Academy of Performing Arts, Tel Aviv. In 2016, he hosted and directed Israel Kasif's album "Child Drum - Rock Opera".